Saturday, June 28, 2008

Typical boys! They found a snail and just knew I wanted it to keep on my dresser. Finally, I talked them into leaving it outside. I felt sortof defenseless being confined to my chair outside. Thank goodness it was only a snail. Then, yesterday, their cousins came over to visit. We had a house full of 5 boys. I kept watching them, thinking, this is what I will have in a few short years. I love it! They were very into killing flies that had gotten into the house. Then, as they were leaving, my oldest says to my sister-in-law, " I tell you what I am going to do... I am going to kill a fly for yall and put it in a piece of paper and then send it to you so that way you can have a dead fly." He was so serious. I told her, don't worry, we won't let him mail you ANY dead animals or insects. Hilarious!!!

Funny story...

I was talking to my 4 year old while his brother were outside. We had a rare few minutes of one-on-one time. Here is the conversation we had...
me: Who made you?
K: God
me: Do you know how much He loves you?
K: How much?
me: A LOT
Me: What did Jesus do while He was on this earth?
K: healed people and died on the cross

then a long pause and while I was waiting to hear what else he would say... he says,
"Mommy.... but why did Jesus get hammered??"

I busted out laughing for some reason... I tried not too, but he was so serious. I love his innocence. The phrase getting hammered to him means getting hammered ( as in nailed to the cross) I regained my composure and we talked some more about it. But, I was still laughing later as went outside to play. I love having kids!

Friday, June 27, 2008

One big momma

To all you wonderful people who keep telling me that I am not fat, etc, etc... I know you are mistaken, but keep it coming!!! Isn't this a sweet moment though?? If I could crop out my face:) And this is one of the better looking pics of me these days!

Other than my growing bigger everyday... everything is the same with the babies here on the outside. 35 weeks and 3 days... woohooo! Every night before I go to bed I think, " I wonder if tonight will be the night." Here is my thought process pretty much every night.... I wonder if tonight I will go into labor... I did just have one contraction...I forgot to pack my bag..again...oh, and I forgot to write down the number of my in case I go into labor in the middle of the night friend. ( I lost her number when we bought a new phone)... and we don't have the co-sleeper (bassinet) set up...there goes another contraction.... at least I had a shower...Did I shave???... oh wait, I didn't shave because I can't reach past my knees...I hope that we have enough gas in our car...Tomorrow I am going to... 

The next thing I know, it is like 2 am and Jason is elbowing me, waking me up to tell me I am snoring. GOOD TO KNOW WHILE I AM SLEEPING!!!  I really think between that and the bathroom trips I am up at least 4-5 times a night. God is preparing me for when these babies get here. I can hardly wait!!! yeeeeeeeee

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Screwtape Letters

I am reading C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters. It is messing with my mind! I would never have picked it out, but Jason got it to read and I have read all the Amish books we checked out... so I had to try something new. Do you ever notice how if you do something a lot during the day, then you dream about it at night. How annoying! I jsut want to sleep without dreaming about Amish people or Mr. Wormwood and Screwtape.

Seriously, the book was hard to get into, everything is reversed because it basically is a bunch of letters (fictional of course) written between 2 devils. It makes you look at how you think of things and do things in a new light. It kind of gives you an insight into all kinds of silly traps we humans tend to fall into.

Am I boring you yet?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Day!

Okay... I will start from the beginning. I woke up feeling like today is my birthday or maybe Christmas. I AM 34 WEEKS today! YEAH! Way back at 29 weeks when I was put on bed rest the Dr. said, if you can just get to 34 weeks we can avoid a lot of problems with them being too early. I do love a challenge! Now, I am hoping to get to 37 weeks. I am in the homestretch!

Also, I went to the Dr. today for my regular appt. I go every week( or 2x a week lately) for a heart rate monitoring test. Some of you are laughing at my "stress test"! Then I waddle upstairs for an ultrasound.. which went great. The boys weigh somewhere between 4 and 5 pounds! They have plenty of fluid. Now, for the very personal part...the exam! I am only 1cm dilated (which is great) Normally, when you are getting checked you pray that you are very dilated or already in labor... but I will save that for 37 weeks.

The best part is... the first baby is head down so no c-section for me! I have never had one and I would like to keep things the same so I will know what to expect.

Thanks for your prayers and food!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Well, time seems to have slowed down lately... doesn't that always happen at the end of a pregnancy. Sometimes, when we are really busy I want things to slow down and they seem to speed up around me. Funny, how that works.

I have been reading a few Beverly Lewis books. J. went to library for me and found them... that is love:) If you have never read her books, she writes Amish fiction. How did I ever get into these???? Oh, I remember, I bought a huge box of Christian books at a yard sale for like 5.00 or something. Anyway, I love her reading about the Amish... A few of you know my affection for their lifestyle. In fact, every time I start reading one of her books, J. always says, "Baby, we are not going to be Amish unless Jesus walks through that door and tells me to be Amish...even then I would ask Him...are you sure???"

I agree totally, I would miss the modern conveniences of life too much. But, I have to admit that I am attracted to the simplicity of their lifestyle. It may sound cheesy, but every time I read about the Amish ways, I am reminded of my nature to collect "stuff" just to feel happy and secure. It usually leads to discontentment and more time spent taking care of and cleaning up all this "stuff" I have collected.

Here is one thing I learned from the book: WE MISS OUT ON A GREAT DEAL OF PEACE by rushing around, going from one thing to the next...collecting and maintaining, collecting and maintaining. Then, we evn have to spend more time sorting through all the "stuff" and hauling it off to Salvation Army or a yardsale, etc.

Does anyone else feel this way, or am I just nesting??? :)

Sunday, June 8, 2008


I am a little emotional these days, but I don't think this kind of emotion is a bad thing. 
I have always been so grateful for friends, but lately I have a new appreciation. I have realized how important they are to me and how God places them in our lives for a reason. Friends are a necessity. Good friends make your life so rich. Sigh.....

Our friends have been calling, brining food, encouraging us. laughing with and most importantly, praying for our growing family.  Check out these pictures of some of our friends, some we have had for a long time and some are new friends that we will hopefully stay in touch with over the years. I love doing life with you all! And the many more that I don't have recent pictures of!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

New Yard!

You know you are a real grown-up when you are excited about your front yard being landscaped. For some reason, even though I just turned 30... I still have a hard time seeing myself as an adult.
Anyway, we bought this house a year ago and we have loved it here. We bought it because it has LOTS of room for improvement... it is part of our plan to renovate it and then sell it and have a nice amount to put down on the next one. I think we may do this a few times until we can have a house debt free... (at least it sounds good, we will see with 5 kiddos) very hardworking husband, with the help of his friends and brother, leveled and sodded our front yard. It looks so good I had to brag on him. The yard looked like a jungle when we moved in. He has been clearing it for weeks and weeks. The bare spots are lined with rocks and will soon be flower beds. Good job honey!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Our Crew

Confessions of a bored pregnant woman

Did I just say I am bored? Can you believe it? With 3 boys, you would think that would be impossible. But, after 3 weeks of bedrest I have finally reached it. Thankfully, it has only lasted a few minutes here and there. Seriously, I am so thankful that the babies are doing well that I really am not complaining. I am 32 weeks and 3 days!!! YEAH! Now that I am basically glued to the chair/couch, I thought I would start a new blog. I have another one that is supposed to be for photography. If anyone has checked it lately, they will see I am not doing much photography lately. I am waiting on my two new subjects to be here in July!!!

My youngest.. let's call him ChubbyBubble, ( I love to make up fictitious names for people) a slightly stocky 2 year old...he comes up to me and says "momma...knock knock" I knew he was copying his older brothers (we will get to their names later) so I went along. "Who's there?" ChubbyBubbly grins and says,"Nobody". I say, "Nobody who?" (I know this one because I have already heard it 15 times today) He just grins up at me and stares...saying nothing. Get it? NOBODY!!! Like I said, I am a little bored and have always been easily amused.

Leave your comments or email me and keep in touch. If you have a blog, send me the link. I now have time to read them!