Thursday, October 9, 2008

I am shooting on MANUAL!

A year ago, I didn't know what manual was. I got my camera and discovered that there are ways to adjust settings and make this baby take some cool pictures. But, as I tried... and tried and tried... I could not make it click in my brain! I would try to shoot on manual (versus automatic which chooses the settings for you) and the pictures looked BAD! So, I shot on the automatic settings while I put photography on the back burner. Auto was just fine when i could barely waddle over to get the camera and snap a few of my boys. ANYWAY... I shot at a wedding this Saturday and of all places it started making sense and I shot almost the whole time on manual. I am so excited. I am looking forward to doing more weddings in the future. I love photography... almost as much as painting, maybe more, because you get (almost) instant results. And I get to (hopefully) bless people with beautiful pictures of their families! I will post a few more another time. I have got to go to bed! BTW...Did anyone watch the office? We cut off cable.... thanks again Dave Ramsey! I love it!