Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Day!

Okay... I will start from the beginning. I woke up feeling like today is my birthday or maybe Christmas. I AM 34 WEEKS today! YEAH! Way back at 29 weeks when I was put on bed rest the Dr. said, if you can just get to 34 weeks we can avoid a lot of problems with them being too early. I do love a challenge! Now, I am hoping to get to 37 weeks. I am in the homestretch!

Also, I went to the Dr. today for my regular appt. I go every week( or 2x a week lately) for a heart rate monitoring test. Some of you are laughing at my "stress test"! Then I waddle upstairs for an ultrasound.. which went great. The boys weigh somewhere between 4 and 5 pounds! They have plenty of fluid. Now, for the very personal part...the exam! I am only 1cm dilated (which is great) Normally, when you are getting checked you pray that you are very dilated or already in labor... but I will save that for 37 weeks.

The best part is... the first baby is head down so no c-section for me! I have never had one and I would like to keep things the same so I will know what to expect.

Thanks for your prayers and food!